Friday, October 2, 2015

Fearing Our Children Growing Up In This World

There are moments I fear what the world is going to be like as my girls get older. I look at the terrible things happening right now. In light of another school shooting, I get that pit in my stomach when it comes to thinking about letting my kids out in this world. My momma bear instincts want to protect them each step of the way. Sometimes I don’t want to let them out of my sight. Oh, kindergarten is going to be tough in a few years.

Do I want my kids to experience life? Yes! Do I want them to make a difference? Absolutely!

I want them to touch the lives of those around them, and the only way for them to do that is by being around people. So profound, huh? But it’s still hard to let them go. As they get older, they’re going to get to know people I’ve never met. Yikes.

If I let it, my mind thinks of all the terrible things that could happen to my children. Even if I’m with them every minute of every day, something bad could happen. They’ve already gotten hurt while under my watch. That’s the reality of it, but somehow we convince ourselves that not letting them go is going to keep them safe. It just makes us feel like we have more control, but we don’t.

There’s only One who has control.

Our God is bigger than anything that could ever happen.

God is with my children every moment of their lives. He is right there with yours as well, and never will He leave, no matter what comes.

My momma’s heart takes so much comfort in Joshua 1:9. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

Huge sigh of relief! I can feel those protective arms wrap around me. They wrap around my children.

The Lord our God is with us. He is with our children. It doesn't matter where in this world they go. It doesn't matter what they do. He is with them. No matter what happens, I know God holds my children in His hands.

I don't need to worry about them. They are His, and He loves them even more than I possibly could. 


  1. It's a balancing act for sure! One hand releases them into the world, the other touches our heart, constant reminder of where they came from and what they're here for.

    1. Absolutely! Although it's difficult to release them, they won't be able to fully touch the world with their gifts if we don't.
