Monday, October 12, 2015

Covering Our Children In Prayer

My oldest daughter’s second birthday is quickly approaching. I stop and reflect on the past two years and how much has changed. On this day two years ago, I was pregnant. My husband and I had no idea how drastically life was going to change. We had no idea how much joy and love was about to fill our hearts (and how many dirty clothes would spill from the laundry basket).

I remember wondering how she would look. Whose features would she have? What type of personality was going to shine through? Who was she going to become? What type of mother was I going to be? So many questions floated through my head because everything was unknown.

The future is still unknown, but it is unfolding before our eyes every day. Almost two years of her life are in the rearview mirror, and what precious memories we hold in our hearts.

It makes me think about when we were expecting her. Before my husband and I would go to bed each night, we would pray over her. We had no idea who she was at that moment, other than our precious child who was already loved beyond words. We knew God had and has a plan for her, and we wanted to lift her up to him.

The power of prayer is real, and I’m going to take every opportunity to cover my children in it. I’m going to pray for them as they’re small. I’m going to pray for them when they grow into young adults. And I’m going to continue to pray for them when the time comes for them to have their own families.

I’m going to pray for them when they do something that makes me proud and when they frustrate me. When they’re near and when they’re far. When I’m the most important thing to them and when they think I’m the worst. I’m going to pray for them without ceasing.

Won’t you join me and pray for your children as well?


Thank you for the blessing of my children. You have an incredible plan for each one of their lives, and you have placed me on that path to help them grow and discover how you can use them. I am not equipped to raise them on my own. I need your wisdom to bring them up in a way that is pleasing to you. You know their needs better than I do.

I don’t measure up. Many times I fail, and it seems like other moms have it together. I know they struggle too, but sometimes it’s hard to see. Calm my heart and keep me from comparing myself to what I see with my human eyes. I’ve messed up so many times as a parent and as a wife. Please cover those moments with your grace.

I know the seasons of this life change, and the needs of my children change as they grow. I ask for wisdom and resources to meet their needs in each season. Help me to stay grateful and appreciative through the frustrating moments. Each step of this journey is part of your amazing plan.

My heart longs for my children to know you. I pray that you will reveal yourself to them and show them the incomparable love you have for each one. I want their faith to be their own, not something they feel forced into. I want them to know you intimately. I want them to want to follow you all the days of their lives. Open their hearts. Open their arms to serve you. Guide them as only you can.

Help me to show them love, support, and understanding. Lord, take away my own expectations of parenting so you can shine through. Let me be a vessel for your truth that needs to be spoken into their lives, and I ask for eyes to see them the way you do.

You have graciously given each one special gifts. I need the wisdom to know how to help them use these gifts to honor you. Do incredible things in their lives individually, and I ask that you use our family to be a light in this dark world.

May I be transparent when it comes to my walk with you so that I can set an example for them. Even in the midst of struggles, failures, and mistakes, may they see your grace, love and forgiveness.

Thank you for entrusting these children to my care. With your strength and wisdom I will embrace the path laid out before me. Thank you for always being present in my life. I watch with anticipation as you reveal yourself to my children, and I thank you for using them to reveal yourself to me. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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