On my heart today are those dear mommas who have lost
Those mommas who have never held their precious child in
their arms. Those mommas who had a sweet child welcomed into the arms of God
too soon. Those women who long to be mommas. They are all on my heart today.
I admit, there are moments I just want a break from
motherhood, moments it would be nice to be in control of my entire day. I
remember life before children. It was easy (even though I didn’t think so at
the time). I could go to the grocery store without having to plan it around nap
times. I could sleep until when I wanted on the weekends. For crying out loud, I
could pee in peace.
Yes, life was easier then, but it is so much more blessed
now. God reminds me of that at the perfect times when I feel exhausted. Sometimes
I get caught up in my own frustrations that I forget how good I have it.
I have friends who have lost babies, friends who have
struggled with infertility, friends who would give anything for sleepless
nights, dirty diapers, and a crying baby. How ungrateful am I to complain about
a tough day with my little ones!
Today, I’m going to thank God when my baby cries.
When my toddler makes a mess at lunch.
When she begs to play outside when I want to clean the house.
When my baby would rather be rocked in my arms than put down
in her crib.
When my toddler tests my patience.
I am going to thank God for these two blessings in my life.
For those mommas who hurt from losing a child, know that I’m
praying for you today. You are on my heart, and I am lifting you up to God. May
He comfort you in a way only He can.
For those tired mommas wanting a break, I’m praying that God reminds you of the incredible blessing in your arms. Squeeze your kids a little tighter, and as you do, please join me in saying a prayer for those mommas who wish they could do the same.
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