Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Precious Blessings

On my heart today are those dear mommas who have lost babies.

Those mommas who have never held their precious child in their arms. Those mommas who had a sweet child welcomed into the arms of God too soon. Those women who long to be mommas. They are all on my heart today.

I admit, there are moments I just want a break from motherhood, moments it would be nice to be in control of my entire day. I remember life before children. It was easy (even though I didn’t think so at the time). I could go to the grocery store without having to plan it around nap times. I could sleep until when I wanted on the weekends. For crying out loud, I could pee in peace.

Yes, life was easier then, but it is so much more blessed now. God reminds me of that at the perfect times when I feel exhausted. Sometimes I get caught up in my own frustrations that I forget how good I have it.

I have friends who have lost babies, friends who have struggled with infertility, friends who would give anything for sleepless nights, dirty diapers, and a crying baby. How ungrateful am I to complain about a tough day with my little ones!

Today, I’m going to thank God when my baby cries.

When my toddler makes a mess at lunch.

When she begs to play outside when I want to clean the house.

When my baby would rather be rocked in my arms than put down in her crib.

When my toddler tests my patience.

I am going to thank God for these two blessings in my life.

For those mommas who hurt from losing a child, know that I’m praying for you today. You are on my heart, and I am lifting you up to God. May He comfort you in a way only He can.

For those tired mommas wanting a break, I’m praying that God reminds you of the incredible blessing in your arms. Squeeze your kids a little tighter, and as you do, please join me in saying a prayer for those mommas who wish they could do the same.

Friday, September 11, 2015

You Matter

Moms Group started at church today, and this is the first time I’m participating. I’m excited to see what God has in store for this year, and I am purposefully looking for His hand in it because I want to be blown away by His power and love!

I’m excited about building new relationships with moms in the trenches of motherhood. What a difficult and isolating place it can be sometimes, but what an incredible job we have been given. God has entrusted us with little lives to mold.

I’m the quiet, reserved type of person, so putting myself out there to meet new people does not come naturally. Many times I would love to sit in the corner of the room, but I’ve also been hurt in the past when I have felt alone in a crowd. I’ve been hurt when it felt like I didn’t matter.

Motherhood is tough, and one of my prayers for Moms Group is that I will be encouraged, but I also pray God uses me to be an encouragement to other moms. May we build connections with each other and share our hearts with one another.

We all have something to learn from each other, and God has placed us exactly where we are to impact the lives of those around us.

Who can you impact today? Who is on your heart? Who needs encouragement?

I’m learning to listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit. When someone comes to mind, do you push the thought out of your head? Or do you take a moment to pray for them? You might not know what they’re going through, but God does. 

Be an encourager. 

Lift them up in prayer. Send them a text or an email. Maybe even drop a letter in the mailbox. In our world of technology, I am always thrilled when there’s a card in the mail. Seeing handwritten letters makes me feel like I matter to someone.

We each matter. We matter as a woman. As a mom. As a sister. As a daughter. As a child of God.

We matter.

God wants us to be encouraged and be encouragers to others.

As a mom of daughters, I think it’s extremely important to let them know they matter. There are too many negative things in this world that try to devalue them or make them question their value, but they matter.

I also want them to see the value in other people. I want them to be encouragers.

Will you join me in praying for God to place someone on your heart? Be a light in their life. Even if you don’t know what they’re going through, just let them know that you’re thinking about them. Allow God to do the rest.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Motherhood Isn't for Type A Personalities

I’m tired.

It’s been one of those days where my children have not been on the same schedule. After a lot of back and forth, the house is finally quiet. Deep breath. I will get through the day.

Some days I need to remind myself of that more than others. This is one of them.

I take solace in Jesus’ promise: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NIV)

I am weary and burdened.

I need rest.

Even though I’m a stay-at-home mom, I’m also a work-from-home mom. I work two part time jobs from my kitchen table, bed, couch, desk, chair on the porch, or wherever I am when I get a chance. Since I don’t punch in at a certain time, that means I’m always working around my daughters’ schedules. Early in the morning, nap time, and after they go to bed are my “office” hours. 

When my days don't go as planned, I find myself stressing out and becoming overwhelmed by everything.

The baby cries…I want to cry.

The dishes aren’t washed…I want to cry.

I don’t know what to make for supper…I want to cry.

The toilet paper roll is empty…and I cry. Are you kidding me?

The stress of an “unproductive” day has gotten the best of me. When my feet hit the floor in the morning, I anticipated getting more done, but that’s not the way the day has gone.

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” (Proverbs 19:21 NIV)

My own expectations lead to disappointments. Disappointments lead to frustration, and frustration leads to bitterness.

Everyone in the house gets that bitterness taken out on them, which isn’t fair. They didn't do anything to deserve it. Instead, it's my own sin and selfishness getting in the way.

Instead of being negative about it, which is the easiest response, I'm going to look for the good in it. Yes, I haven’t been able to accomplish all that I've planned, but I've had great one-on-one time with my kids. What a blessing! Time with my girls has more value than any paycheck I could ever receive.

Sometimes I think motherhood isn’t for “Type A” personalities. I'm a workaholic and can be quite uptight. Those tendencies have made for stressful moments, because life with little ones rarely goes as planned.

Motherhood has stretched me in ways that make me feel like I’m an old rubber band ready to snap. It's a slow process, but I'm learning the importance of going with the flow. Getting upset about something not going how I planned only causes more stress for my family and sets a bad example for my daughters.

I’m going to take a deep breath and change that toilet paper roll.